Fran and Friends

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Homemade Stress Ball

***Parents--- this project is NOT RECOMMENDED for children under the age of 5***                                                                                                                                                          
I found this online and I am mad as I can't recall the website but it seemed really fun and I know the older kids would enjoy it or maybe it could even be used for a science experiment. Did you ever see those stress balls or that squishy ball they offer to you when you go to get blood drawn. Well, this is similar but a homemade version
You’ll need :
Latex Balloon (strong helium type is best)

1.      Blow up the balloon to stretch it, but do not tie the end!
2.      Use a funnel inside the opening of the balloon to pour cornstarch.
3.      Do not stretch the balloon. When the balloon feels tight (without stretching the balloon) stop. (It should be just a little bit bigger than an egg)
4.      Now tie the balloon securely and you are done. 
The more the ball is squeezed, the softer it gets!

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