Fran and Friends

Friday, May 27, 2011

Learn To Crochet

My Mom was an avid knitter and crocheter. She made all kinds of things from clothes to playful animals, afghans, Halloween costumes to blankets. She would give these items for gifts, donate them for church bazaars and even to the homeless. She and my Granny would sit in front of the television crocheting and knitting hardly looking down at what they were doing. My Mother and Granny were so good at what they did they could have probably did it with their eyes closed. My Mom's favorite was actually crocheting.My daughter was probably about 8 when she asked her Grandma to teach her how to knit or crochet. My Mom thought she was too young. Mom was also a left handed person so it was a bit awkward to teach my daughter too. Unfortunately by the time my daughter was old enough her Grandma had gone to heaven.

Years later my daughter still had the desire to learn. So she went online to You Tube, watched allot of video's and taught herself.
Here are some of the neat things she made in her early days of learning to knit. She was 16 years old last year when she taught herself to knit. Since then my daughter has knitted and crocheted all kinds of scarves,hats, animals, bootie's and gave them for gifts. She even made a crocheted Mickey Mouse costume that Baby Sophia is modeling in the photo to the right. She made this with no pattern and it was her first time ever crocheting. She has even donated hats and squares for various causes. I told her that her Grandma's hands must be looking out for her and guiding her along the way. Needless to say, I am very proud of her.The possibilities are endless of what you can do and make once you learn to crochet. So, follow these videos and you too will be crocheting in no time at all. Take your time and enjoy!! Remember you will make mistakes but that's all part of learning.

(I have included several video's as everyone has a different technique and you may prefer one teacher over another.)

Learn to crochet a pot holder---

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