Fran and Friends

Monday, May 9, 2011

Picture Frame For Dad

I know we just celebrated Mother's Day and it's not even June yet but I wanted to post this early enough so you all have time to work on projects for Father's Day. We all love our Dads too and so here are some ideas for gifts for the Daddy in your lives.

Materials Needed:
Cardstock or a piece of poster board cut into a 5x7 (You can go as big as you like)

Draw two D’s and an A shape onto the card/poster board and cut out. Use a small pair of scissors to cut out the inside of the letters, too (younger children will need adult help or supervision).

Decorate your letters. Embellish your letters with any kind of  stickers, gems, ribbons, sequins, pompoms etc...

Glue a photo to the back of each letter.

Layer the letters so they overlap slightly, spelling out the word "Dad", and glue together.

You can laminate to make it last longer

Links to other fun ideas:

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