Fran and Friends

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stepping Stone

Like most people I love gardening. I have all kinds of little ornamental things in my garden,the majority being gnomes. In fact my daughter always kids me about my gnomes and it isn't that I love them it's just that they are usually cheap at the dollar store and so this is how I accumulate so many.

My daughter however got tired of all my little gnomes and ladybugs staring at her so she made me a beautiful stepping stone. I tried to post it on here but for some reason it wouldn't send. (I will add it when I can)

Here is a really neat craft idea for anytime of year. Be creative and add lots of embellishments. You can even write a name in the plaque and give it for a special gift to someone you love.

You will need:
Plaster of Paris
Aluminium pie case
Shells, pebbles, acrylic gems, marbles or other water-resistant treasures to decorate. You could even use small plastic toys such as figures or toy cars.(Many of these things you may have laying around your home and some can be bought at your local dollar store)

  • Make sure that you have a covered surface to work on and your children have overalls to protect their clothes. Gather all your materials in advance, as Plaster of Paris dries quickly.
  • Mix up the Plaster of Paris in an old jug according to the instructions on the packet. Pour into the pie case.
  • Carefully lay your decoration on top (note: they will sink a little no matter how carefully you do this; if you are too rough they will sink a lot!)
  • Leave to dry for a couple of hours and then remove the plaque from the pie tray.
  • Dig a hole in the garden and pop in the plaque. Back-fill with soil so that the top of the plaque sits level with the flower bed.

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