- Here a way to use regular table salt and paint to make a beautiful piece of art work. Kids of any age can do this type of art work. Just have fun and be creative!
- Materials
- Card stock
- Rimmed baking sheet
- White glue
- Salt
- Colored water (see tip below)
- Eyedropper
- Set the card stock on the baking sheet and have your child use the glue to draw a design on the paper.
- Sprinkle the wet glue with salt until it's completely covered, then tap off any excess.
- Have your child use the eyedropper to drip colored water, one drop at a time, onto the salt. As the salt absorbs the liquid, the water will move along the glue lines, resulting in a wonderful web of color. Be sure to watch what happens when the color reaches intersecting lines.
- Set the card stock on the baking sheet and have your child use the glue to draw a design on the paper.
- Tips:
- We used 5 drops of neon food coloring per tablespoon of water to create our vibrant hues.
"Salt. Who would have thought something so simple, so seemingly common (to Americans) could control the world? Can it? Does it? Mark Kurlansky and S.D. Schindler reveal the significant and necessary role of salt in man's history in The Story of Salt, a condensed version of Salt: A World History, Kurlansky's best-seller for adults.
Speaking of canning, the duo show the discovery of canning with airtight, heated jars (p. 38). Just as with the discovery of salt as a preservative, then the next step in salt's progress was canning and frozen foods.
But back to the beginning. That is what the book does: It shows textually and pictorially how seeking sources of salt became essential to the growth of civilizations. As wanderers, men could eat the flesh of animals and get a necessary amount of salt. However, once people formed settlements, they had to go out to find salt sources. In nearly all cases, by-products were discovered: natural gas, secondary foods (cheese, sauerkraut, bacon), international trade, soy sauce, mummies, transporting without spoilage, salt fish, exploration, trade organizations, meatpacking, roads, new industries, independence, and oil drilling. This is a significant list. Each item is featured, illustrated, explained in a delightful manner from one block to a two-page spread of artwork and text.
For example, in Hallein, a Celtic settlement whose name means "saltwork," Celts used salt to preserve the thigh of hog to create ham. A block on the next page (23) shows a preserved Celt (known by their colorful clothing), who had been trapped in a collapsed salt mine around 400 B.C.
Other examples are the trade organizations formed by seacoast countries with cod fishing and inland countries with salt mines, e.g. the English and the Portuguese, the Germans and Italians. Prior to the War for Independence, the colonists traded their Virginia hams for Liverpool's salt. The war forced colonists to find their own salt source, which they did to became independent in more ways than one.
A highly informative text loaded with illustrations, this book could well serve teachers and librarians in web research projects: salt in the middle with all the peripheral products and events spoking outward, with each one assigned to a team or group to research further, then create a powerpoint or other software presentation. Think of the multiple intelligences generated, much as salt
generates other things. And certainly not common! " FOR MORE INFO
"It was about a boy named micheal almost gave up his dream of playing basketball.because he thouth he was to short to play. his mother told him if you put salt in your shoes he would get taller than he TO PRAY every day. he did not go back to the park for"
I just love your creative ideas : )