Fran and Friends

Friday, September 9, 2011

Frankie Piñata

This is such a cute craft. I found it on The Crafty Crow  . They have such neat crafts but this one really stood out for me.

Materials Needed:
Brushes - Script Liner, #1 
Pure Black, 2 oz. 
Titanium White, 2 oz. 
Gunmetal Gray, 2 oz. 
Mod Podge ® Gloss, 4 oz. 
Filbert brush 
Plastic milk/water jug (1 gallon) 
Craft knife 
Masking tape 
Tissue paper – lime green 
Foam paintbrush 
Tacky glue 
Black felt square 
One 2” Styrofoam ball 
Two googly eyes 
Egg carton 

1.Make sure the milk container is clean and dry before starting. Cut a U-shaped flap in the back of the milk jug with a craft knife (parents help with the knife).
2.Fill the jug with candy and tape the flap closed with a small piece of masking tape. This is just to hold the flap down as you add tissue paper, so you only need to use a little bit of tape.
3.Cut your tissue paper into small (roughly 2”) squares and paste them to the jug with Mod Podge. Put as many or as few layers of tissue paper for your desired look, but be sure to cover the opening with two to three layers – this will hold the flap down just enough so that the piñata will be able to burst open when hit. Allow the Mod Podge to dry thoroughly.
4.For hair, cut jagged bangs into the felt and glue to the piñata (use the photo for placement reference).
5.Using the craft knife, slice the Styrofoam ball in half. Press your finger into the dome portion of the ball for the googly eyes. Glue the eyes into the wells on the balls. Glue the eyes to the piñata.
6.Just above the eyes, paint a scar across the forehead and a squiggle on the chin Pure Black and a detail brush. Paint a squared mouth with the Pure Black. Using the larger brush. Paint teeth using the Titanium White.
7.Cut 2 egg sections from the egg carton. Paint them with the Gunmetal Grey. Glue to the sides of the head with tacky glue.
8.Using the tip of the craft knife, poke a small hole in the top back of the piñata. Poke a second hole in the back of the piñata about 1” down from the top. Tape a long piece of yarn to a skewer and thread through the two holes. Tie a knot in the yarn to secure and hang.

Books related to topic:
"I can' t believe no one has reviewed this! This book is a huge hit in my house. My 3 yr old daughter LOVES it and asks for it year round. I absolutely adore the sweet artwork and cute story (not scary or spooky in the very least). It is about Moonlight, a cat that walks the night on Halloween and sees kids trick-or-treating, sees jack-o-lanterns smiling, peeks in a window to see a dog sleeping in his bed, sees raccoons on a porch, the big white moon in the sky. This book is a well worth every penny and I highly recommend for ages 2-5. Enjoy!" PURCHASING INFO

"I can not tell you how many samples I read today trying to find something to buy no luck. That is until now. I read the first story and decided to buy the book. It has an air of believability to the stories. They are short but interesting. I must say I was able to figure out the tag line before reaching the end of any of them, but this did little to stop them from being interesting just the same." PURCHASING INFO


1 comment:

  1. This is SUCH a cute idea and is pretty cool!! I really loved the pinata.
