Fran and Friends

Monday, September 5, 2011

Scarey Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerie Bats!!

Scarey eerie bats!! Oh my...what's Halloween without a few bats?? Here another cute craft that will get some screams.
  • Black acrylic paint
  • Ornamental (miniature) pumpkins
  • Black and white craft foam
  • Wings,ears & eyes template 
  • Hole punch
  • Glue dots
  • Black duct tape
  • Toothpicks
  • Wooden skewers
  • Cover your work surface with a drop cloth or newspaper, then paint the pumpkins. Allow them to dry completely.
  • For each bat, choose a style of wings and eyes from the template. Then, trace and cut out two identical eyes from the white craft foam and use the hole punch to make pupils. Adhere the eyes to the pumpkin with glue dots.
  • Cut a matching pairs of ears and wings from the black craft foam (our wings are about 6 inches long). Attach the ears by taping a toothpick to the back of each one, leaving about 1 1/2 inches of the toothpick exposed, then inserting it into the top of the pumpkin.
  • Finally, tape a skewer to the back of each wing, leaving a 2-inch point exposed, and push it in place.
Cut 2 of the Wing Template

Books related to our topic--
(For more information click onto links)

"Of all the Halloween books I have in my Halloween box at school, this is the one my students love the best. Since I began using it 4 years ago, my classes(K-2)have usually had it memorized and could say the verses outloud with me as I read. The pictures are incredible. The story is darling. If you happen to come across the book on tape, grab it up quick. The producers put the words to delightful music, and voices that make the book come to life"~reviewed by a teacher on amazon 

Bats examines different kinds of bats, their abilities, and how bats fit into the world, providing whimsical yet accurate drawings of bats to accompany the basic facts of their world-wide distribution and natural history. No photos, but the coverage is wider-ranging than many.

1 comment:

  1. I want to make our pumpkin into a bat this year for Halloween- Great Idea!
