Fran and Friends

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Teen Craft---Halloween Bead Pins

Here's a cute collection of halloween pins that I discovered just today. It's a great craft for kids ages 8 and up. Maybe you can even make a few for a fall harvest festival...

Coiless Halloween Pin

Here's what you are going to need:
  • Coiless Safety Pins (2¼ inches)
  • 4mm Round Beads
  • E Beads
  • Safety Pins Size 2
  • Pattern
  • Long Nose Pliers

Each row hanging down is a size 2 pin with "E" beads strung on it. Open these pins and string beads following the pattern chosen. Keep in mind that you are stringing the beads upside-down so you will start at the top with of each row and work down. Then turn the pin upside-down. Use pliers to squeeze the pin head closed permanently.

Note: Glass beads are are irregular in size. You will not be able to use the larger "E" beads in your package. It may look like the pins will not close but as long as the tip shows, you can usually just press the point into the pin head opening. The pin will bend out slightly to fit the beads snuggly into place.

Open up the coiless pin. You will need to bend it open to at least a 60 degree 
angle to get the beads on. Beginning with the beaded pin to the far right, thread the coil of that beaded pin onto the coiless pin, around the bend and over to the head of the pin. Slide on a 4mm bead. Then the next beaded pin, followed by another 4mm bead. Continue until you have threaded on all pins and finished off with a final 4mm bead. These beads help hold the pins in place and keep them from sliding around the coiless pin.

Credit for craft goes to--

Books on Halloween:
Fated (The Eternals)
Reviewed on Amazon--"If you love historical romances with a fantastic paranormal twist, Fated is for you. Set in ancient Rome, Fated is the perfect blend of suspenseful and sultry. Truly a great read. The paranormal element sneaks up on you like an asp in the night until it grabs you by the throat.  

My Sister theVampireReviewed on Amazon--"Young girls often dream that they have a lost identical sister. In this series, twins Ivy and Olivia find one another, but there is a twist. Ivy is a vampire, Olivia is mortal. And vampires are never allowed to tell humans about their existence. Many challenges must be conquered in order for these young girls to be together.

The writing is fairly simple, and the plot lines are predictable, with only small surprises. So, why did I give it five stars? It got my eleven year old to read four books in three days. She didn't play with the brand-new wii games, or the PS3 games we rented. She didn't even want to put it down to eat. There is nothing I find objectionable in them, and these books enthralled my daughter. After all, they were written for her, not me. So, I don't think it gets better than that."  For more info

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