Fran and Friends

Monday, April 8, 2013

Cheap DIY Art

This project can really be for anyone. You can even let your little ones help you out as there isn't anything harmful on this one. The little ones will enjoy helping with the stickers of course.

I recently had my bathroom painted and wanted new art for my bathroom. I was sick and tired of looking at the old stuff and decided to do something new but my budget was limited.

My shower curtain has big daisies on it so I found these decals at the dollar store and I bought three frames. In this big frame (on the right) I turned the paper over that comes with the frame and just stuck the stickers randomly to the paper and then cleaned the glass and put it back together. The photo was taken with my cell phone so it isn't the best quality but in person the art work is very clear.

In the two smaller frames I used card stock and the mat that came with the frames. I did basically the same thing on these two as well. I just used less of the stickers.

The flowers tied in really nice with my shower curtain and the colors. The black frames just really made the colors pop and keep it really clean looking too.

The entire project cost me:

Each of the smaller frames I got from the dollar store--$1. each
Decals-$1. for the sheet
Large 11x14 frame was $5.00 from Walmart

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