Fran and Friends

Saturday, May 25, 2013

DIY Ice Chalk

Summer Time is almost here and what a nice way to chill and cool off with some ice cube chalk! I bet the kids would love this craft. My daughter always used to love drawing on the sidewalk on out in the street. (We lived on a dead end so I usually sat outside and supervised the kids to make sure they were safe.)

You can the directions on Reading Confetti 

Found on Pinterest

Books related to our topic--


A rainy day. Three kids in a park. A dinosaur spring rider. A bag of chalk. The kids begin to draw. . . and then . . . magic! The children draw the sun, butterflies, and a dinosaur that amazingly come to life. Children will never feel the same about the playground after they experience this astounding wordless picture book and the power of the imagination. Bill Thomson embraced traditional painting techniques and meticulously painted each illustration by hand, using acrylic paint and colored pencils.
Available on amazon

The Chalk Box Kid (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))
Random House is proud to present the tenth anniversary edition of a book Publishers Weekly called "a gem of a book...a story that goes straight to the heart." When nine-year-old Gregory experiences several upsets in his life, he responds by creating a fantastic chalk garden on the charred walls of a burned-out factory behind his house. As his garden grows and flourishes, Gregory finds a voice through his art and, for the first time, is able to find his own place in the world. The Chalk Box Kid is sure to delight a new generation of children and their parents.

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