Fran and Friends

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Felting is a craft that is pretty new to me but it's been around for a long,long time. The definition for felting is an ancient tradition of creating a strong and sturdy, non-woven fabric from wool.

I found this neat beginner project for my daughter at Michael's for $5.00. and she's been working on it. She's been doing pretty good on it too. But today I ran across a video from Rice and she is also a first time felter (and she's hysterical!) I loved her video and plan to try doing what she did with the sweater. I think it's adorable and makes such a cute present for any age group.

Hope you will check out her video because it is definitely worth watching. I'm going to add the link HERE just in case there is a problem with the video.

This is my daughter's partridge she was working so hard on. It was looking a bit obscene in the picture. I don't have the finished product yet as she is still hard at work trying to complete the project . With felting the more you needle the project the denser the project gets. So the bird is now about half the size as what shown in these photo's. The form has also begun to take shape as well and last night she added the beak.



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